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How to Spot Keto Friendly Jerky


The right jerky can play an important role in your diet and exercise plans. But not all jerkies are created equal. As a result, snackers must check their jerky labels to see if it will provide the health benefits they need. 

Jerky can be a healthy alternative for snacking without being keto. Let’s take a look at the nutritional facts surrounding keto diets and jerky:

Keto diets are high in fats and low in carbs, which are limited to 20-50 grams per day in the Keto diet plan. Some people count their total carbs to arrive at that number. Other people only count net carbs, subtracting the fiber from the total carb number. Either method is accepted, though speaking with a doctor or nutritionist will help a person choose which plan is best for their overall goals.

Wild Game Jerky has 1.5g of carbs and 1g of sugar per 1 oz serving. In comparison, a national leading brand of potato chips has 15g of carbs, 1g of sugar, and 170mg of salt per 1 oz serving! (Wild Game Jerky contains no MSG.) So the healthy choice between chips and jerky shows jerky to be the clear winner.

When comparing different brands of jerky for Keto-friendliness, first check for the amount of added sugar. Many jerky manufacturers include sugar, brown sugar, or corn syrup to balance flavors. Sugar and salt are also used to treat meat during the drying process. 

The wild game used in Wild Game Jerky is locally sourced and high in protein. There are jerkies out there that call themselves keto or “zero sugar,” but those crafters smoked the jerky without adding sugar. Time and individual tastes will decide whether specifically named Keto or zero-sugar jerky can live up to its claims or if it’s just hype.

Most animal proteins are included in the keto diet, with experts recommending fresh meat that is high in protein and low in carbs. Dairy and many dairy products are included because they also fit this profile. Green leafy vegetables, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and berries also make the list. So do fats like dark chocolate, olive oil, butter, and ghee. 

Unlike some diets, the Keto plan puts an emphasis on having healthy fats despite the low carbs. As far as traditional beverages are concerned, coffee (unsweetened), tea (unsweetened), and sparkling water make the keto-friendly list. Carbonated sodas, sugary drinks, and even fruit juices do not. (Check the label for the amounts of sugar in many of your favorite fruit drinks).  

People using the keto diet must still check the nutritional labels of foods that are keto-approved to make sure any additions don’t disqualify it. Also, anything they eat with these foods — dressings, sauces, toppings — need to be checked to ensure that those trying to satisfy their hunger cravings did not negate the keto qualities they were trying to achieve.

In the meantime, Wild Game jerky is high in protein and we use 0 MSG. Except for our teriyaki flavor, our jerky is also gluten-free. These qualities make Wild Game Jerky a solid contender for many people trying to make healthier eating choices with more protein and fewer carbs. 

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